
Journal of Army Engineering University (hereinafter referred to as "the journal") is a comprehensive academic journal and bimonthly journal published by the Faculty and Research Support Center of the Army Engineering University, with the goal of creating a first-class academic journal in China and running journals for the world. The journal is the journal of the "three highs" paper of the Army Engineering University.

The journal mainly publishes excellent papers in the fields of basic science, engineering technology and military theory, including "military communication and electronic engineering", "military command and control engineering", "cyberspace security and software engineering", "mechanical engineering and optical engineering", "energy power and electrical engineering", "civil construction and protection engineering", "combat support engineering", "military equipment support and management engineering", "military operation research and system engineering", "weapons science and technology", "artificial intelligence technology and unmanned combat", "applied mathematics and applied physics". It also includes major columns such as "Military, Science and Technology, Society", "Military Thought and Operational Theory", "Military Political Work", "Military Law", "Military History and Military Culture", "Army Construction and Service Building", "Military Education", "Course Teaching and Training", "International Peacekeeping", and "Foreign Military Research".

The journal is 164 pages per issue, bimonthly, and publicly available.

1. Manuscript requirements

1. Innovative, scientific and normative, with clear themes, reliable data, clear charts, sufficient argumentation, rigorous logic and concise language. Length of manuscript: No more than 1,2 Chinese characters should be used for natural sciences and no more than 1,<> Chinese characters for military theory. Papers on military (provincial) and above fund projects are given priority for publication.

2. The structure of the paper includes Chinese and English titles, abstracts, keywords, author and manuscript information, main text, references, etc.

3. The quantity and unit meet the national standards. Charts are placed after the relevant paragraphs and numbered. For the same content, text and charts are expressed in one way, and the explanation is not repeated.

4. Must not involve state and military secrets, and meet the requirements of academic norms.

5. Responsibility for the text. The author bears corresponding responsibility for disputes arising from the content of the manuscript.

2. Manuscript processing

1. The website of natural science is (Internet), and the website of military theory is (campus network).

2. When uploading the manuscript, the author should also upload the electronic version of the manuscript's confidentiality review certificate and political review certificate.

3. The journal implements the two-way anonymous review system and the "three-review" system of peer experts inside and outside the university.

4. From the date of valid receipt (manuscript and confidentiality review certificate are complete), if the author can send back the revised manuscript in time, reply to the author whether the manuscript is accepted within about 90 days. Authors can also understand the manuscript processing process through the manuscript processing system.

5. According to the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law, editors may make textual changes to the manuscript. If the author does not agree with the revision, please indicate it when submitting the manuscript.

6. The journal advocates the expression and controversy of different academic views, and if the author disagrees with the opinions raised by the reviewers, he should write a more detailed explanation for the reference of the final review experts.

7. After the manuscript is accepted, the editorial office signs a copyright transfer agreement with the author to determine the rights and obligations of both parties.

8. Natural science manuscripts that have been proofread shall be published online on the Internet before paper printing and publication. Online publishing is one of the official forms of publication of journals and has exactly the same copyright and effect as the printed version.

3. Contact Information

1. Mailing address: Editorial Office, Army Engineering University, No. 88 Houbianying Road, Nanjing, Zip Code: 210007.

2. Office location: 10th floor, the main building of Haifu Lane Campus, Army Engineering University.

3. Mailbox: (Internet).

4. Website: Internet website, campus website website

Warmly welcome contributions from scholars inside and outside the university!



Manuscript layout format and requirements

Use Word or WPS typesetting, A4 paper, normal margins, line spacing 23 points, 0 before and after the paragraph, 2 characters indented at the beginning of the line, standard word spacing, font size is four smaller. The whole text is imitation Song script, not bold. On this basis, the headings at all levels were changed to boldface. Only the full text content and fund project information can be included in the manuscript file, and do not include author information.

References are implemented in accordance with GB/T 7714—2015 Bibliographic Rules for Information and Literature References. According to the problems in the literature labels, the journal mainly on journal papers, conference proceedings and standards three issues more marked detailed requirements are as follows, other types of literature labels, please refer to the published paper format of this journal, please be sure to carefully implement.

1. Journal: Author. Title[J].Title, Year, Volume (Issue): Start-End Page Number.

(1) Be sure to "volume (period): start - end page number", only volume or period, can be marked only one; The stop page number must be marked.

(2) The author's surname and initials of the author of foreign language literature; Bilingual Chinese literature with a capital surname and a complete first name.

(3) Now that a large number of citations are cited in the online form of preprinted journals, they can be changed to the form of online labels: author. Preprint platform name: number. Year. URL. (Note that the URL is required here, not just the paper number)

(4) There is also a kind of marking volume (period): when the starting and ending page numbers are difficult, it is marked in DOI form: author. Title[J]. Title, year.DOI. (here requires to write the full DOI number, the journal is marked as you want)